When you run you own business it might seem sensible to reduce costs and do your own bookkeeping. Although its likely to cost you a little more in the short term, by hiring an accountant you will soon see real benefits.
Finding money
An accountant will allow for better record keeping which will allow you to quickly see where your money is going. Knowing you have accurate information at your fingertips will allow you to step in and find areas you can cut costs.
Avoid tax penalties
With multiple deadlines to remember, and endless responsibilities to track it can be all to easy to let something slip through the net and end up with a fine or penalty.
Making mistakes on your tax return, missing deadlines and misunderstanding your role are all easy to do, but can lead to hefty fines and fees. Regular occurrences can also lead to more severe repercussions, with deep and lasting effects on your business.
We can make sure your tax returns are in order, that all of your responsibilities are fulfilled and you never miss a deadline. No fees, no penalties, no black marks against your business, just good financial practice.
Business advisory services
Accountants possess invaluable business knowledge that can help you make more informed decisions. They understand the finances of your business and objective input from a professional is priceless. Accountants can help you to make sound judgments and to move your business in the right direction. They help improve profitability and further increase your chances for growth and success in the future. Accountants can also help you to identify and fix problems before they become a more serious drain on your finances.
Call us to start feeling the benefits
When you consider all of the benefits that come from what an accountant does, the question is less about whether you can afford one and more about whether you can afford not to use an accountant. Call Bickerstaff’s and start to feel the real benefit of having an accountant.