Are you struggling to find the right productivity tips? Do you think you could be doing a lot more on your business but not sure how to get there? If you’re figuring out how to increase productivity in your business, then this blog is for you.
For a business to be successful it needs to have a good, well structured plan to be productive. It also needs talented and hardworking people to make the plan happen. Workplace productivity will be a massive factor when it comes to how far and fast you can go. To maximise productivity, you’ll need a clear plan on how to achieve your business goals.
So, what can you do to improve your business productivity? Business productivity is directly related to how engaged you and your team are. Creating a motivating environment for you and your employees will keep the focus. It’s also important to show appreciation to your employees and celebrate the wins (even the little ones!) as a business owner. We’ve got a few tips on how to improve business productivity.
Improve time efficiency
There are a few ways you can improve on how you and your team use your work time. Many minutes throughout the working day can be used up by distractions and these minutes can quickly add up to hours!
Disorganisation can be a productivity killer! It’s important to have an organised workplace both physically and digitally. Having a clear and tidy workspace can have a positive impact on your productivity. Using organisational apps/tools to help you and your team communicate and plan your workflow can be useful to keep on top of work projects and keep momentum. There are many tools out there but some we’ve come across are Clickup, Trello and Slack.
Something that can potentially take up a lot of time in the workplace is meetings. Sometimes you can find yourself repeating information and going over the same ground, essentially, wasting everybody’s time. If and when you need to have a meeting, make sure you have a clear, focused agenda. Have a dedicated timeframe for a meeting and make sure you stick to it.
Procrastination is another way to lose time. We all do it! The best way to prevent it is through clearly stated deadlines and accountability. Every person within your team who has a due date on a project should have someone following them up, this ensures that the target is met. Again, you could use online organisational tools to keep track of your deadlines to make sure targets are met and efficient time is given to each project.
Use productivity apps
Using technology can be your biggest help when it comes to productivity. Like we’ve said already, using organisational tools can be really helpful and create a structured work environment. There are many apps/tools out there to help improve business productivity, some we’ve mentioned already but you could also check out Evernote or Asana.
Set reminders
Most calendars now on your phone/tablet/desktop will allow you to set reminders. This can be a key tool for increasing your productivity. You can set reminders for literally anything! Deadlines, projects, communication, notes, the list goes on! Reminders can also be used to organise your team and workflow and make sure your deadlines and targets are met.
Keep it simple and review your goals regularly
Having a strategy in place to increase productivity is key, however, it doesn’t need to be elaborate. Creating a simple, focused plan with clear steps and outcomes helps you and your team stay on track and set them up for success.
Setting goals in one of the most important parts of any business strategy. Business goals mean nothing unless you’re consistently reviewing and revising these goals. Once you’ve established your business goals make sure you proactively check your progress on a regular basis.
Motivate your team
One of the most difficult and important business growth strategies is keeping your team motivated. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what’s most important to each person you work with.
Finding a balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is key to reaching the productivity sweet spot. Intrinsic motivation promotes self-reflective benefits that make a person want to be successful for no other reason than their own personal satisfaction. On the flip side, extrinsic motivation provides external rewards for your team reaching their goals, like a staff day out or company party.
Hold one to one meetings
Some of your team may find it difficult to openly communicate and share their ideas in the workplace. Having one to one meetings can create a safe environment to discuss ideas, goals and struggles. These one to one meetings can have the aim of improving overall performance and productivity.
Ultimately, better productivity starts with you, the business owner, by providing achievable frameworks for success. It’s important to figure out what motivates you and your team as this vital information can help to improve business productivity.
We hope this blog has been helpful and if you need help with your business accounts, get in touch today!